Sunday 28 August 2011

Baya Weaver

 Baya Weaver (Male)

Baya Weaver (Female)

Name: Baya Weaver
Size: 15 Cms
Appearance: Males brightly coloured. Bright yellow colour on head along with a dark black neck below.  Grey Streaked feathers. Female has pale yellow shades near beak. Pale grey in underparts, wings similar to males. Females are less shy then Males. 
Habitat: Found almost across India. Male makes weaved nest with strings of grass. Polygamist by nature. Nests are build mostly with water body below and on Palm and Babul trees. Nesting season is summers and breeding is done in Monsoons. 

Chestnut Headed Green Bee Eater

Name : Chestnut Headed Green Bee Eater
Size: 20 Cms
Appearance: Almost same as that of Green Bee Eater, with striking chestnut colour on head and collar. Pin tail is absent. 
Habitat: Found through out western ghats, eastern Ghats, and in plains of north east. 

Green Bee Eater

Name: Green Bee Eater
Size: 20 Cms
Appearance: A Small birds with bright green underparts and Dark green wings characterized by a thin central tail pin. Black stripes on eye lashes helps to act as sun glasses. 
Habitat: Found across India downwards Gangetic planes. can be seen sitting in groups on tress, wires and doing sorties in air to catch insects. Mostly lives in burrows on the banks of water bodies. Eats insects by catching them in air.
Sound:  A noisy tree... tree... voices often made during flight. 

Saturday 20 August 2011

Purple Sunbird

Purple Sunbird (Male)

Purple Sunbird (Female)

Name: Purple Sunbird
Size: 10 Cm
Appearance: A small, dark metallic purple bird (male). Females with similar size but brownish grey wings and off white in underparts. 
Habitat: Found almost all over India apart from Himalayas. Found even in urban parks and densely wooded areas. Keeps moving in fast manner from one perch to other.   Beak  is  ideally made for sucking nectar juices of flowers. 
Call: Quick and repetitive call of Chweet... Chweet..

Indian Chat

Name: Indian Chat
Size: 17 Cm
Appearance: A Small bird, with brownish body. Mostly feeds on grains disposed of around houses.
Habitat: Mostly found in central India. Inhabits in old homes and rocky edges. 

Common Iora

 Common Iora (Male)

Common Iora (Female)

Name: Common Iora
Size: 14 cm
Appearance: A small Yellowish green bird. Common in gardens and wooded places. Prominent white stripes of both male and female. Males have darker wings with black colour. 
Habitat: Mostly found in pairs, moving on the tree canopy in search of flower nectar, insects and caterpillars. 
Call: stretched calls of weeee..chu... Much like common tailor birds.  

Common Kestrel

Name : Common Kestrel
Size: 35 cms
Appearance: A Small, long winged, long tailed raptor. Grey Headed. Grey forked tail with black bands around it. Spots on light brown wings.
Habitat: Found on mountain edges and cliffs. Found across India.    
Call : A high pitched kee...kee...kee

Eurasian Sparrow Hawk

Name: Eurasian Sparrow Hawk
Size: 40 cm
Appearance: A Small raptor with plain throat and Shikra like banded chest with brown stripes. Wings of grey colour. Colour of eye ball yellow (major differentiation between Shikra and ESH, shikra has red eye balls.)
Habitat: Found in well wooded country sides. Seldom seen in urban areas. Mostly mistaken as Shikra. Nests in medium sized trees like Neem and Mango. A rare sighting. Shyer the  Shikra.  
Call : A repeated call of Kew.. kew.. kew...

Crested Serpent Eagle

Name: Crested Serpent Eagle
Size: 75 Cms
Appearance: Large raptor with comparatively short legs. Underparts Rufous  and light brownish. Black Eagle like tail. Black trailing edges on the wings with a off white lining. Yellow eyes. 
Habitat: OFten found near water bodies in well wooded forests resting on higher canopy of trees. Mostly eats reptiles on ground along with rodents. 
Call :  A call like kite with nasal sound of Kee... kee...

Long Billed Vulture (Indian Vulture)

Name : Long billed Vulture (also known as Indian Vulture)
Size: 90 cms
Appearance: A Large, pale brown raptor. Feathers are in striking contrast in flight and underparts. Flight wings are darker. 
Habitat: Highly endangered species. Earlier use to be find around slaughter houses and garbage dumping grounds. Now, mostly found in dense forest. Mostly a scavenger. Found almost in entire India, apart from southern peninsular India and Srilanka. 
Call: A shivering hiss during eating.

Changeable Hawk Eagle

Name: Changeable Hawk Eagle
Size: 70 CM. 
Appearance: Large crested raptor (crest is absent or very less prominent in Himalayan residensts). Usually dark brown wings and upper body. underpart are heavily streaked with white base and brown streaks in in-continuous manner.
Habitat: Found in all the heavily wooded areas of India apart from Rajasthan and Gujrat. Difficult to spot as sits in heavily covered tress and is very shy. 
Call: A kite like nasal sound of Keeah...

Black Shouldered Kite

Name: Black Shouldered Kite
Size: 35 Cm
Appearance: A small raptor with Black wings and white feathery body and bright yellow claws.  Can be characterized by sharp forked tail. 
Habitat:  Often seen in open cultivation and urban locations mostly on wires and dead branches of trees. Nests relatively small trees but in upper parts of trees. 
Call: A nasal sound of Keeyaaa....



Name: Shikra
Size: 35 CM.
Appearance: A Small raptor with pale blue wings and chestnut coloured chest with dark stripes in Zig Zag manner. 
Eating Habits: A very aggressive bird of prey, often in pursuit of rodents, small birds, and reptiles like chameleons and Skink lizards.
Habitat : Almost found in all over India apart from higher ups in Himalayas. 
Call: Unlikely sound of Kitou....Kitou... 

Bramhiny Kite

Bramhiny Kite

Name : Bramhiny Kite.
Size: Approximately 50 Cm. 
Appearance: Chestnut or light brown wing coloured bird, with White head and breast. 
Eating Habits: Mostly a scavenger, relies on waste of fisheries near sea, ponds and rivers. Also hunts small preys like frogs, mouse etc. 
Habitat: Almost found in entire central India and downwards. Also found with flock of black kites in urban habitat. Usually a solitary bird. Makes nest in Palm trees or higher parts of trees. 
Call: A cracking sound of Keee-Ahh....